All listings for this Seller

Photo Title Description Price
small table with seats small table with matching 4 matching seats, table size is 43 1/2" by 27 1/2 " and the seats are 15 3/4" by 12", good table for puzzling or hobbies $120.00 CAD
decorative vase decorative vase with copper flower on it, size is 9 1/2" tall and 5" at widest $4.00 CAD
punch bowl and cups blue colored punch bowl with 10 small matching cups and a ladel $12.00 CAD
John's bathroom books Uncle John's bathroom Reader (8 books) $10.00 CAD
picture of vase in window a picture of a vase in a window size is 19 1/2" by 19 1/2" $6.00 CAD
picture of daisys picture of daisys with gold frame size is 25" by 25" $6.00 CAD
power lift recliner chair power lift recliner chair, brown in color barely used $800.00 CAD